Yes, I certainly don't have much time writing lengthy article. Let's get down to a message that I find it simple and an important one.
Mother Earth has been very forgiving till now. The flooded city of Philippines in the recent strings of Typhoon attack are a tell-tale sign that our weather had been in bad shape. Global warming caused the melting of iceberg in the north and south pole that rapidly rise the sea level posing an eminent danger of submerging low-lying cities under the sea. Is this irreversible? That depends on how much support majority of human being on earth are willing to cut down their electricity consumption.
Mother Earth used to protect us from harmful radiation but now Ozone is gradually being damaged. Our skins can now be exposed to a greater threat from skin cancer. If these Ozone layer keeps thinning, more people are going to die of cancers. We have to deal with the problem we have created through our ignorance.
Have you digested my message? It might be hard to take in but better be aware of it than watching it happening. The consequence can be irreverable once the damage picks up speed. Hence I wish all of you could put in some effort to turn around the current situation and bring Mother Earth back to its prestine state.
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