This article has been inspired by a special occasion when I'm leading a group of school children to see a Musical entitled "Duck and Dive - The ugly duckling and frog prince". The backdrop of many scenes, inspired by the natural habitat of the duckling and the frog, are the great display of nature wonders. When I follow through the whole play, an interesting thought pops up in my mind.
Do our future young generation has to enjoy the beauty of our nature in its original pristine state or they are only confined to see nature through such play due to human destruction of nature?
I feel strongly that all human beings have the responsibility to ensure our nature are well preserved to provide for the well-being of our future generation. Global warming can heat up our atmosphere to a state where no human beings, animals or plants can survive under direct exposure to the sun. In the end all living beings have to migrate underground or undersea to survive. The only chance to appreciate nature is through such play and other means that artificially emulate nature. I don't wish this scenario upon our future generation.
Let us do our part to ensure our nature exists as long as possible and preserve it for our future generation to appreciate. I truly hope all countries adopt solar power plant to stop the "coal burning" pollution to the atmosphere and every household adopt solar lights and other solar powered devices to tap on the cleaner source of electricity from the solar power.
A Musical that inspired the appreciation of nature and use of solar power
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Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Labels: nature conservation , solar lights , solar powered
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