For some of you whom might be planning to travel on a holiday or go for hiking adventure, there are some essential things that must be considered. Most of the time, people just thought of packing essential clothing and basic toiletry. Have it come to your mind things that you need if you are stranded in a dark, especially when you need to find your way out to a safe place? I strongly recommended that every traveler must bring along a Solar Powered Flashlights.
Solar Powered Flashlight is a must-have traveler's companion that come with high quality compass. Without the hassle of changing batteries, it can be left hanging by the side of your backpack to expose it to the sunlight for continuous charging of solar power. It takes 8 hour to store 80% of its full capacity of solar power. After 12 months storage, up to 75% of the stored power can be retained. In places where lights are limited such as caves or other buildings, solar powered flashlights can be turned on and illuminate by 5 super bright LED. It also comes with a red filter lens for night vision and a green filter lens for working with animals or night fishing.
It is especially come in handy when you need to travel out in the seas for many days. It can be used to flash to any incoming ships and planes to get their attention when all telecommunication signal is lost.
Beside its use for traveling, it is also great tools to have within home compound. Place
Solar Powered Flashlight at a few prominent places at the patio and garden such that it can be easily within reach when there is sudden black-out. You can choose either black. silver, red blue, gold or purple one to blend into your surrounding.
It is now available in
Other Solar Lights & Products page with free delivery.